domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2008

The Waitress

The Waitress Screenshot
I seem to be tripping on serving games, it started off with Hot Dog Bush, I then progressed to Penguin Diner but the Waitress, is simply fantastic.

Although the game may be slow, its a game where you cannot afford to make a single mistake. Well you can in the start but the moment you make one as the game picks up speed its going to get hectic.

Its another point and click game where you take down the orders, serve the food and clean the tables. Thats just the basic part, you also have to knock on the door to get the guy to refill coffee cups, refill the fridge with cold drinks, wash the dishes or take out the trash.

The chef cooks just one thing at a time, each item takes the same amount of time to prepare. So place an order then get the drinks, the game is a little slow at the start but picks up pretty fast after four or five orders.

So go ahead and try your hand at serving people, you start off with three lives and loose one if you have a customer who walks out of you, your lives increase as you progress through the game as well. Theres a list of high scores that's pretty tough to get on as well!

The Waitress Source

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