quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2008

Adrenaline Challenge

Adrenaline ChallengeAdrenaline Challenge is a game that will keep you at the edge of your seat with the jumps and somersaults in mid air.

I was not sure if I should put this game in the sports, skill or racing section, I finally put it here.

The game has some beautiful physics that immerses you in a very intense game play.

The somersaults over every corner can be facilitated by using the space bar and doing a wheelie after you hit the turn. The game flows extremely well, its one of the smoother games as compared to other games in its league.

Adrenaline Challenge Objective:Adrenaline Challenge Objectives and Controls

The objective of adrenaline challenge is to collect all the green balls and then get to the green ball with “E” marked on it to proceed to the next level.

Adrenaline Challenge Controls:

The controls could take a few minutes to get used to, but do not give up this game gets better and better with every level. Up Arrow key – Forward, Down Arrow key– Backwards, Right Arrow & Left Arrow keys – Front wheelie or a Back wheelie.

Adrenaline Challenge Source

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